By Holly Bailey
In 2008, Pete Buttigieg went to Iowa to knock on doors for Obama. This article goes over his experience and how it relates to his current campaign. Great vintage pictures!

WMUR: At Harvard, Buttigieg Decided the American Divide Could Be Bridged
Some great articles on Pete’s early political musings at Harvard.
Read MoreSLATE: The Political Case for Mayor Pete, Dec 19, 2019
Terrific and encouraging article about the signs and indicators showing that Pete could beat Trump in the general election.
Read MoreTHE ATLANTIC: What Pete Buttigieg Says He Did at McKinsey (ARTICLE)
Pete gave a full interview to THE ATLANTIC about his time at McKinsey. Worth a read!

The Buttigieg Era: The Deep Political Philosophy of Mayor Pete (ARTICLE)
New article on Medium about Pete’s political philosophy, how it informs his campaign, and how it would lead to a new era in politics.
"Buttigieg is a front-runner because he is good — not just as a speaker, not just as a debater, not just on talk shows, but he is very, very good *at politics*. Buttigieg approaches politics from a deep philosophical conviction."
New York Times - The Candidates: Pete Buttigieg
In studio with “The Daily,” the Indiana mayor talks about how his lifelong political ambitions were complicated by the secret he kept for decades.
This is a very personal interview on Pete’s struggle with being gay and how it’s impacted his political career. There’s podcast interview (THE DAILY podcast) and article.
Great photos in this article.

Photo: Calla Kessler/The New York Times - Article link

Photo: Calla Kessler/The New York Times - Article link

Photo: Calla Kessler/The New York Times - Article link
Time 100 Next - Pete Buttigieg makes the list
Pete Buttigieg makes Time Magazine’s “Time 100 Next 2019” list, a list of up and coming young influencers worldwide.
Pete makes the list under the category of “LEADER”, one of 20 selected from around the world.

Screen grab of Pete’s position on the list. Go to the links above to see them all.

Pete Potpourri - Nov 10, 2019
A touching message to DREAMERS from Pete
Campaign video: New Hampshire
A not-so-veiled reference to Pete
On this podcast, Indiana political reporter Adam Wren discusses Pete’s campaign, how things have changed since Adam covered Pete as a mayor, and where the campaign goes next. Worth a listen!
BORN TO RUN THE NUMBERS - Who Are We Supporting for the 2020 Democratic Presidential Nomination?
FANTASTIC ARTICLE. Must read. I don’t agree with everything, but I like the Why Pete rationale.
LA TIMES - Pete Buttigieg outlasts the pundits by emerging as the alternative to Biden
“Voters turning out to Buttigieg events are intrigued by his post-partisan pitch and his argument that he is uniquely qualified to find common ground with the swing voters in the industrial Midwest who added crucial votes to Trump’s coalition.”
JAPAN TIMES - U.S. presidential hopeful Pete Buttigieg makes case as calm visionary for 2020
“He exudes a calming sense of reason. Unlike his main competitors — former Vice President Joe Biden, Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders — Buttigieg rarely raises his voice while campaigning.”
UNION LEADER - Buttigieg dials up some 'Straight Talk' for weekend bus tour
Sean Curran of Manchester said he preferred Sanders, but wants a younger candidate. Buttigieg was impressive, he said. “He’s going up in the polls, his message is definitely getting out,” Curran said. “I don’t know if he’s going to make it all the way through, but he’s carving up the center.”
NEWSDAY - In Pete Buttigieg, echoes of FDR (Opinion)
Indeed, in Buttigieg we are hearing distinct echoes of FDR. Buttigieg unabashedly talks on the campaign trail about his Catholic upbringing, his ongoing participation in the Episcopal Church, and, like Roosevelt, how his faith would inform his presidency.
“ . . . we need to not be afraid to invoke arguments that are convincing on why Christian faith is going to point you in a progressive direction,” Buttigieg told USA Today columnist Kirsten Powers. He also uses his view of government and Christianity to push back on Republicans: “So-called conservative Christian senators right now in the Senate are blocking a bill to raise the minimum wage, when Scripture says that whoever oppresses the poor taunts their maker,” he controversially said in July.

Pete Potpourri - Nov 5, 2019
Our catch-all post for miscellaneous press, pics & tweets today.
Read MoreToledo Blade: A look at presidential long shots
by Keith Burris, Nov 2, 2019
Excellent article that compares Buttigieg to Obama and Carter. READ IT HERE
“Mayor Pete Buttigieg reminds me of Mr. Carter back in ‘75 and ‘76. He is articulate, self-possessed, complex and contained. Like Mr. Carter then, and like Barack Obama at this stage 12 years ago, he projects moderation and sincerity, and he also has an eye for the jugular.”
Medium: Is Pete Buttigieg Ready to Be President? Look no further than his Campaign.
Check out this article on that outlines why Pete Buttigieg has already proved he’s ready to be president.
“Buttigieg started a mere 6 months ago with a couple of staff, tiny mailing list, and zero name recognition. If this seems like no biggie, consider that the Mayor of New York City got into the race, got his ass handed to him, and left again. Rising above the tide against all odds? That’s presidential.”
by Mark Segal, Oct 8, 2019
In his first interview with an LGBT newspaper since he made those comments, Buttigieg spoke by phone October 5 with Mark Segal, the publisher of the Philadelphia Gay News. Their interview focused on Buttigieg's campaign, his values, and his role models in the LGBTQ community.
“Q: You have an enormity of support from the LGBT community, which would like you to stay in thru the convention. PB: We're definitely in this to go the distance & feeling increasingly bullish about how this is going to unfold.”
The New Republic - Pete Buttigieg's Undeniable Allure
I don’t post too many articles on this blog, but this one is a must read. A reporter who was on the bus with Pete in Iowa talks about his appeal to voters, compares him to Obama, and questions his experience only to realize maybe that’s not the post.
“Four months before the Iowa caucuses, it is time to reckon with the reality that Buttigieg probably has a better chance to be the Democratic nominee than anyone aside from Biden and the surging Warren. With Sanders ailing and Kamala Harris sputtering, Buttigieg has enough money to go the distance (he has raised $44 million in the last six months) and enough polling support to guarantee his place on every debate stage. Whatever happens next, this youthful candidate with a long resume (Harvard, Rhodes Scholar, McKinsey analyst, failed statewide candidate, mayor, and intelligence officer in Afghanistan) has already emerged as the political surprise of 2019.”
POLITICO: Chasten Buttigieg goes from opening act to fundraising star
POLITICO talks about how Chasten Buttigieg’s popularity on social media and as a guest speaker. Such an asset to the campaign and #TeamPete!
Today, Pete Buttigieg publshed an op-ed on Medium entitled “I served in the reserves during the end of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. The fight for equality continues.” It’s a short and moving article, well worth a read.

South Bend Fund Raiser - Pete Buttigieg - Sept 18, 2019
Last night in South Bend there was a private fund raiser for Pete Buttigieg. Tickets started at $250. Hilariously, But Their Emails blogger Aimin decided to “infiltrate” this swanky event to report on the “corruption” of big donor financing.
The report is decidedly wholesome with some moving lines from Chasten and Pete. Read the fun article (with pictures!) here.

"Mayors for Pete" - 50 Mayors Endorse Buttigieg
In an incredible endorsement, 50 U.S. mayors have joined together to endorse Pete in an Op-Ed in USA Today. Read it here!
Article: Buttigieg walks fine line in courting religious left
If you’re interested in the “religious left” side of our candidate, these two articles by Jack Jenkins are worth a read.
ReligiousNews.Com: Buttigieg walks fine line in courting religious left
ReligiousNews.Com: Pete Buttigieg: Religious left is ‘stirring’ (interview)
By Daniel Burke, Published Aug 16, 2019
Solid, well-researched article on Pete’s journey of faith, from his father nearly becoming a Jesuit, to his Catholic upbringing in South Bend, to his Anglican church at Oxford, to his current Episcopalian home church.