Pete had four stops in SC on Sat, Aug 17, 2019. There was a town hall near Beaufort, 2 rural round tables, and then a big interview in Charleston. The Charleston video is a must watch!
Charleston SC
Pete was interviewed at the College of Charleston for their bully pulpit series. The room was at capacity at 755 people. They had to move to this room when the earlier planned space proved too small for demand. This is a MUST SEE for Pete fans. There’s lots of new discussion in this video around mental health, digital security, and more.
VIDEO OF THE LIVE FEED — click on the photo above. This currently links to a Facebook page.
Pete’s Intro starts at 2:00.

Standing room only crowd for Pete. Posted by Charleston4Pete (LINK)

Charleston crowd - posted by DJJudd
Pete held a town hall at Seabrook, South Carolina, just outside Beaufort. About 600 people attended.
There current is no uploaded video of Pete’s speech, but there are some video snippets and photos.

Justin Gomez from ABC posted this video of the line outside (LINK)

VIDEO: Of Pete’s enthusiastic repection. Posted on Twitter by Lana Ferguson (LINK)

PHOTO: Buttigieg town hall, Beaufort SC, Aug 17, 2019 - Photo by Lana Ferguson (Island Packet LINK)

Photo posted by Nina Smith (LINK)
LOCAL COVERAGE: Island Packet article with quotes from local Pete voters.
LOCAL TV COVERAGE (WSAV3) WITH VIDEO - including a few press gaggle questions
DJJudd’s thread on Beaufort. Pete answer questions on meeting with Rep. John Lewis, what he’s hearing form rural South Carolians, and climate change.
West Hampton & Pineville SC
Pete held a Round Table with local educators to talk about policy and listen to their feedback.

A brief clip of the discussion from The Hill (LINK)

Another rural round table in Pineville/Moncks Corner (LINK)
NEW: Check out this Facebook post with photos from a family that attended the Moncks Corner round table.