Our catch-all post for Pete news and media you don’t want to miss.
This new video shows the best media quotes about Pete’s big night at the Liberty Justice Dinner.
This one is for the organizers!
WASHINGTON POST - Pete Buttigieg drives for the middle ground between Biden and Warren
“A big football game and lousy weather, and he gets 700 people? Things like that just don’t happen,” said Matt Paul, a local Democratic strategist who ran Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Iowa campaign. “Something is clearly going on.”
CBS News “BUTTIGIEG BARNSTORMS IOWA” - Interview on the trail. Includes the race in Iowa and if voters still want an “outsiders”.
Clip from ABC news where they talk about Pete being in the top four and challenging Warren’s healthcare plan.
Who stood out in Iowa? Pete Buttigieg.
Hilarious throw-back from the Mayor’s office