This is a really well done video that explores Pete’s approach of having very progressive ideas with a more moderate presentation and compares him with Obama and Clinton.
Utah for Pete - Filing for Pete Buttigieg in Utah
This is a fantastic video. A group of Pete Buttigieg supporters in Utah talk about their “Why Pete” and go into the state house in Salt Lake City to official file for Pete to be on the Utah ballot.
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Pete Bus Tour (Redux) - Day 3, Nov 4, 2019
It’s the third and last day of the press bus tour through rural Iowa. This post will capture photos, videos, and tweets.
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Pete Buttigieg files paperwork to run in New Hampshire - Oct 30, 2019 (with rally)
Pete Buttigieg is filing in New Hampshire today and it’s a party! Afterward he’ll be holding a rally nearby. Our full coverage is here.
Read MoreFaith Forum and Catawba Indian Nation - Pete Buttigieg - Oct 27, 2019
Pete Buttigieg had a very big weekend in Rock Hill, SC. There were numerous events:
Rock Hill SC rally - 1700 people attended. It was the largest SC rally of any presidential hopeful this season. See our coverage here
AME Church on Sunday -
Our Twitter friend People of Faith for Pete attended the Faith Forum and provided us with some wonderful photos and thoughts about it.
Catawba Indian Nation VISIT
Pete also visited with a local tribe in order to learn more about their needs.
There are some scenes from the Catawab meeting in the video below from The Herald. (Click on the image to go to the video.)

Pete makes the front page of The Herald after a packed weekend in Rock Hill, SC.
Onpoint! With Cynthia Hardy - Discussion of Pete Buttigieg's Douglass Plan
FULL VIDEO on Facebook. Click on image above.
Terrific radio show. Pete comes on over the phone to talk in a brief interview, and then members of Pete’s staff and South Benders engage in a discussion about Pete and about The Douglass Plan. Great discussion and I hope we see more like this!

Pete Buttigieg Visits AME Church in Rock Hill SC - Oct 27, 2019
Pete Buttigieg visited an AME Zion Regional Conference in Rock Hill SC on Sunday, Oct 27th, and gave a short address to the crowd. Video, photos and tweets collected in this post.
Read MoreSNL: CNN Equality Town Hall Cold Open

Posted by Jennifer Weingart (LINK). “Mayor Pete also got to try out the Expression Swing with Eva Ditty of South Bend. Leeper Park now has a fully accessible playground so children and caregivers of all abilities can play together”
Mayor Pete's day in South Bend - Oct 7, 2019
I don’t usually post about Pete doing his mayoral job in South Bend, but today there were a lot of photos, and even some video, that’s too good not to share. So without further ado….
Pete joined a group of children to celebrate the remodel of Leeper Park. It looks wonderful!

Posted by @@TheStateSB

Posted by @TheStateSB

Photo posted by @Hicks_JustinM (LINK)
Peacemaker Summit in South Bend - Pete Buttigieg - Oct 6, 2019
Pete Buttigieg speaks in South Bend at a community gathering about gun violence. This is a beautiful speech from Pete right to the heart of his own city. Thanks so much to @AJ_Indiana for recording this.
Note: There is also video of the full speech in Good Guy’s thread below.
Good Guy Pete’s thread:
WDMU: Over 500 Faith Leaders And Families Address Gun Violence At Summit - includes video

South Bend Campaign Office Opening - Oct 3, 2019
The opening of South Bend’s Pete office was a family affair with locals coming out to support their mayor. Chasten and Pete both gave a lovely speech. Our coverage includes a full video, photos, and tweets. There’s also local news coverage.
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