Misc videos
Pete Buttigieg / Pete For America videos. Anything that wouldn’t fit in the other categories! There are some real gems here.
NOTE: Fan videos have been moved to their own page: https://thepetechannel.com/fan-videos
2020 Candidate cafe
Fun, low-key video of Pete just shooting the sh*t with voters. Touches on his last name, Malta, his time in Afghanistan (bartering with a carpet dealer), coming out to his priest and more.
Pete Buttigieg speaking many languages
A compilation of Pete speaking various languages. Fun.
“Now This” - chasten buttigieg as first gent - dec 27, 2019
One of our favorites! Terrific video featuring Chasten.
“Now This” - Pete buttigieg on the religious left - Jan 1, 2020
Pete talks about his faith and why the Christian left will rise.
Pete plays guitar
From a PFA snapchat video. This was in the band room at Bow High School in NH, Oct 24, 2019.
Now this: Coming out day video
For National Coming Out Day (Oct 11, 2019), Now This posted this nice compilation of Pete talking about coming out.
pete buttigieg reads onion headlines about himself
Funny. This is from the podcast show The Minimalists (with video).
pete buttigieg talking native americans policy
This took place at a fundraiser in Santa Fe NM in August 2019. Pete discusses the ideas and principles that will guide his policy.
faith & pete
Supporter-created video with a lot of clips of Pete talking about religion, from the early campaign days to recently. This is a great one for sharing with friends and family.
We love you Pete!
Cute little video clip from a Seattle town hall. Someone in the crowd yells “We love you Pete” and his reaction is priceless. He also talks about introverts in this clip. From @Introverts4Pete.
barnstormers prop - fan video by kenny gilbreath
Motivational video promotion the Nov 1 Barnstormers event in Iowa.
TMZ: Chocolate Chip cookie bars into an suv
TMZ does an airport interview - what’s the gift you liked to get from home when you were in the military?
Cute fan-made video from Malta in which the Maltese people tell Pete good luck.
CNBC: How Pete Buttigieg made his money before he was a presidential hopeful
Great video breaking down the income of all the Dem candidates (spoiler: Biden makes the most at over $4 million in 2018; Pete the least at $152K). It also discusses his past years, based on his released tax returns, and where his income comes from. Our middle class candidate!
Emily gets a hug
Emily is a young girl who asked Pete a question about bullying at a previous town hall. He saw her when she volunteered at a later event and remembered her. She asked for a hug. Posted by Stefan Smith. (TWITTER LINK)
How many dem candidates can buttigieg name?
At the Iowa State Fair, Pete tries to name the 24 candidates in 2 minutes.
chili cheeseburger, santa fe - aug 4 2019
Just a silly little video of Pete and Chasten goofing around after Pete records a message for New Mexico.
Pete held a rally during First Friday in Orlando, Fl on Aug 2nd. Opening for him was artist Mike Xavier. Listen to the lyrics of his song. Links to his Twitter video.
“mayor pete comes to nashville” by tennessee holler - Jul 2019
Really fun little video about Pete’s rally in Nashville TN in Jul 2019. Some clips of him on stage, crowd reaction, and interviews with people after the rally. Pure Pete love!
Pete takes a break from the campaign trail and picks up a guitar. Video from Good Guy Pete on Twitter.
ben platt serenades buttigieg & guests, l.a. - Jul 25, 2019
At an intimate LA fundraiser, Ben Platt, who is a fan of Buttigieg’s, performed a song. Check out the end of the song and Pete’s thanks on Instagram.
vECTOR90 TOUR & PRESS GAGGLE, l.a. - Jul 25, 2019
In L.A., Pete Buttigieg tours Vector90, a co-working space founded by slain musician Nipsey Hustle. He hears from minority students and then holds a press gaggle. This is raw footage, but there are segments defintely worth seeing.
Pete hears from the students about bullying (2:25)
The press gaggle starts (20:38)
Pete talks emotionally about hearing the stories of bullying (26:10)
Story Time with Miss Anna: Who is Pete Buttigieg? - Jul 25, 2019
A cute video introducing kids to Pete Buttigieg.
20 Questions for 2020: Mayor Pete Buttigieg - Jun 4, 2019
Great round of questions with Pete including a critical point about a hotdog not being a sandwich, the length of Hotel California, and Pete’s thoughts about why fixing our democracy needs to be job #1,
On the stump, an 11-year-old girl asks Pete what she can do about when she is bullied. Pete gives a heartfelt response.
This video accompanies the TIME magazine cover and printed feature on Buttigieg. It’s a terrific look at Pete’s life in South Bend and his prospects in the race.
SUNDAY MORNING - Extended Interview - Apr 24, 2019
In this expanded version of an interview conducted for "Sunday Morning," John Dickerson, the co-host of "CBS This Morning," talked with Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg, and his husband, Chasten Buttigieg, about what the mayor of South Bend, Indiana, is bringing that is different to the 2020 campaign.
xarabank: asking the people in malta who pete is - Jun 19, 2017
Pete Buttigieg is the son of a Maltese immigrant, so we hit the streets of Malta's capital city to ask the Maltese people if they know who Pete Buttigieg is.
Poignant video made by South Bend resident Aesha and video-master Kenny talking about what Mayor Pete
MSNBC/Morning Joe - Dr. Dave’s candidate check-up
Dr. Dave profiles Pete and his health routine. Includes footage of South Bend, Pete in the gym, and talking about how he stays sane and well on the campaign trail.
pete playing instruments compliation
Posted on Twitter by Geeky Girl here.
pete talks about working for mckinsey
About learning data structures, using that in South Bend for things like their 3-1-1 line and detecting gunfire and why he left McKinsey. - SXSW interview
the “bigger bunny” video
This is from a fund raiser in San Franciso. Pete invited the kids up to ask questions and this little boy has a very important one. One of our favorites!
Pete responds to a tweeted video from a deaf fan with a reply video in sign language. Awesomely, Andy was later hired to Pete’s staff. The link on the graphic at left is to the tweet, which also shows Andy’s original message and his response to this video.
chasten’s students video
This is a strange little homemade gem. Chasten (Mr. Glezman) was practicing for a lip syncing contest, and apparently he was a bit too into it, because his students made this video about it. They call Mayor Pete for help, but he is unable to stop the unstoppable Chasten. Cute. At the link, you can watch them both or the one with Pete, which is labelled “Chasten being the best teacher in the world pt. 2 (ft. Pete)”