The washington post: how does pete buttigieg feel?
By Ben Terris
It’s often difficult to tell what’s going on in the candidate’s head. Maybe his mom knows.
Interesting article that delves into Pete’s family history, his father’s death, and his mother’s involvement in his campaign.
COMMONWEAL: reading buttigieg - a former teacher’s perspective.
By James T. Kloppenberg
Written by one of his Harvard professors, this is a indepth look at the politics and personal of Buttigieg, then and now. Deft look at the polarization around him and how his new era politics threaten his rivals. Great stuff.
the washington post: What Pete Buttigieg learned organizing for Obama in Iowa: ‘You can reach people.’ And wear boots.
By Holly Bailey
In 2008, Pete Buttigieg went to Iowa to knock on doors for Obama. This article goes over his experience and how it relates to his current campaign. Great vintage pictures!
WMUR: At Harvard, Buttigieg Decided the American Divide Could Be Bridged
By Fred Thys
Must read article about Pete’s early musings on the red/blue divide in our country and religion in politics while at Harvard.
FORBES: Pete Buttigieg And The Longing For Good Leaders
By Erika Anderson
Interesting article about how we, as a pack species, evolved a longing for, and reognition of, good leadership and the qualities thereof. The fact that millions recognize this in Pete explains how he has has a meteoric rise despite a light resume when it comes to Washington experience.
SLATE: The Political Case for Mayor Pete
By William Saletan
Terrific and encouraging article about the signs and indicators showing that Pete could beat Trump in the general election. He’s the only democrat who is better liked the more people are paying attention to the election, and he does better than any of his rivals with independents. he’s also doing well in key swing states like Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan.

This excellent article for Politico by Michael Kruse examines Pete’s Harvard days, including interviews with some of his professors and fellow students. Lots of new info!
SOUTH BEND TRIBUNE: South Bend officials: 'Proud to endorse Pete Buttigieg for president'
by Michael Forsythe, Dec 5, 2019
11 South Bend officials endorse Buttigieg and talk about what he’s done for South Bend.
NEW YORK TIMES: when pete buttigieg was one of mcKinsey’s “whiz kids”
by Michael Forsythe, Dec 5, 2019
Interesting article about the work Buttigieg did for McKinsey, including in Afghanistan. READ IT HERE
“He was very good at taking this ambiguous thing that he literally had no background on and making sense of it,” Mr. Helbling said. “That is rare for anyone at any level.”
by Keith Burris, Nov 2, 2019
Excellent article that compares Buttigieg to Obama and Carter. READ IT HERE
“Mayor Pete Buttigieg reminds me of Mr. Carter back in ‘75 and ‘76. He is articulate, self-possessed, complex and contained. Like Mr. Carter then, and like Barack Obama at this stage 12 years ago, he projects moderation and sincerity, and he also has an eye for the jugular.”
NY TImes: Which 2020 Candidates Have the Ground Game Lead in Early Primary States
Curious about how Pete will win the nomination? This article examines the resources and strategy of the various campaigns in the early voting states. My Coming Out: A Promise to LGBTQ+ Youth
For National Coming Out Day, Chasten writes an essay on
Oprah Magazine: Pete Buttigieg Reflects on His Coming Out Story—and How It Inspired His LGBTQ+ Rights Plan
For National Coming Out Day, the 2020 candidate discusses his identity—and his vision for the White House. IS PETE BUTTIGIEG READY TO BE PRESIDENT? LOOK NO FURTHER THAN HIS CAMPAIGN.
by Jane Homes, Oct 9, 2019
Check out this article on that outlines why Pete Buttigieg has already proved he’s ready to be president.
“Buttigieg started a mere 6 months ago with a couple of staff, tiny mailing list, and zero name recognition. If this seems like no biggie, consider that the Mayor of New York City got into the race, got his ass handed to him, and left again. Rising above the tide against all odds? That’s presidential.”
The Bay Area Reporter: Exclusive: Buttigieg talks about historic prez run
by Mark Segal, Oct 8, 2019
In his first interview with an LGBT newspaper since he made those comments, Buttigieg spoke by phone October 5 with Mark Segal, the publisher of the Philadelphia Gay News. Their interview focused on Buttigieg's campaign, his values, and his role models in the LGBTQ community.
the new republic: Pete Buttigieg’s Undeniable Allure
By WALTER SHAPIRO , Published Oct 3, 2019
Maybe the best of the articles resulting from Pete’s bus press tour in Iowa, this thoughtful article compares Pete’s ability to hold a crowd to Obama, talks about his wide range of topics on the bus tour. Shapiro questions his own assumptions about Pete’s experience level. Great read.
WAshington post: Pete Buttigieg is the underdog to watch
By Jennifer Rubin, Published Oct 2, 2019
Excellent article outlining the reasons why Pete has risen to 4th place in the Dem polls and how he is poised to win in early states.
hollywood reporter: What Pete Buttigieg Watches: Favorite Superhero, 'Game of Thrones' Character and Fictional President
Published Oct 1, 2019
Pop culture Q&A with Pete! Fun article.
the hill: Transcript of Pete Buttigieg's exclusive interview with The Hill
Published Oct 2, 2019
This interview focuses on religions. Good Q&A.
AP INTERIVEW: The hopes and fears of Buttigieg’s mom
By THOMAS BEAUMONT, Published Sep 28, 2019
Anne Montgomery talks about Pete as a child and about the fears and joys of his presidential run.

POLITICO: Chasten Buttigieg goes from opening act to fundraising star
By Elena Schneider, Published Sep 22, 2019
Chasten Buttigieg has gone viral on social media and supported his husband on the presidential campaign trail. Now, he’s playing a new role for Pete Buttigieg’s 2020 bid: rainmaker.
HIVPlus Magazine: Pete Buttigieg Explains His HIV Policy Ideas
By Jacob Anderson-Minshal, Published Sep 9, 2019
An HIV policy survey was sent by the ACT Now: End AIDS Coalition to all major presidential candidates. Here's one response.
NEW YORK POST: Mayor Pete Buttigieg talks politics and pizza in city tour with The Post
By Julia Marsh, Published Sep 5, 2019
Buttigieg takes a walk over the Brooklyn Bridge to get some pizza with NY Post reporter and it ‘greeted like a rock star.” Compares Pete to Di Blasio. Fun.
task & purpose: Pete Buttigieg on whether he's a 'combat vet,' ending the war in Afghanistan, 'Top Gun' and tattoos
By Jeff Schogol, Published Sep 3, 2019
Buttigieg answers questions from Pentagon correspondent Jeff Schogol on the war in Afghanistan, tensions with Iran, and bridging the civil-military divide.
buzzfeed: Pete Buttigieg Has Cooled Off But His Campaign Says It’s Time For “Phase Three”
By Henry J. Gomez & Molly Hensley-Clancy, Published Aug 29 2019
In which Lis Smith discusses campaign strategy and “phase 3”, which involves an organizing stampede. Good read on the current state of the Buttigieg campaign.
council on foreign relations: Election 2020: Pete Buttigieg, Democratic Presidential Candidate
By James M. Lindsay, Published Aug 19 2019
The Council on Foreign Relations examines Buttigieg’s foreign policy, biography, and personality to give an idea of what his foreign policies would be like if he were the American president. Some interesting indepth background.
By Elizabeth Meyer, Published Aug 17, 2019
This article talks about Pete’s recent 3 day stint in Iowa and how Iowians are taking a shine to him. Lots of good quotes. ““I’ve been spending a lot of time watching a lot of candidates online, but he’s the one who seems to me to speak most directly to my heart, so I wanted to see him in person.” By the end of the night, Mark appeared to have moved closer to Buttigieg’s corner. “I would have to say, every time I look at somebody else I feel like, they’re great. He’s better.”
cnn: How Pete Buttigieg found God
By Daniel Burke, Published Aug 16, 2019
Solid, well-researched article on Pete’s journey of faith, from his father nearly becoming a Jesuit, to his Catholic upbringing in South Bend, to his Anglican church at Oxford, to his current Episcopalian home church.
BOX: Pete Buttigieg’s plan to use immigration to revitalize shrinking communities, explained
By Matthew Yglesias, Published Aug 15, 2019
A detailed look at Buttigieg’s plan to attract new population to America's dying cities through skilled immigrants. Very positive. “This all, of course, might not work. The logic behind it is pretty strong, but it is a bit of an untested proposition along multiple dimensions. … But it would be a shame and, frankly, a scandal for the country to let dozens of smaller cities — plus larger ones like St Louis, Cleveland, Detroit, and Milwaukee — just kind of waste away.”
Eater: Mayor Pete’s Excellent Iowa State Fair Adventure
By Gary He, Published Aug 14, 2019
A fun, frivilous look at all the food Pete Buttigieg ate at the Iowa State Fair. Great photos!
The Daily Beast: How Mayor Pete Buttigieg Helped Prepare Immigrants for ICE Raids
By Scott Bixby, Published Aug 14, 2019
Discusses the efforts Buttigieg went to in South Bend to protect the undocumented among the city’s population and the city’s current fight with Judicial Watch over the “resident ID” program.
ABC News: From intel analyst to a military ‘Uber’: Inside Mayor Pete Buttigieg's Afghanistan deployment
By LEE FERRAN and ALI DUKAKIS, Published Aug 8, 2019
Indepth article on Pete’s time in the military with more details of his intelligence job, bombing raids on his facility, and the danger in his driving duty. Quotes from those who served with him. Excellent. There’s also a slide show with photos.
VOX: Pete Buttigieg had the most important answer at the Democratic debate
By Ezra Klein, Published Jul 30, 2019
Article on why Pete Buttigieg’s focus on democratic reform is the only answer.
“What’s different about Buttigieg is his insistence that he would prioritize political reforms over policy wins. “This is the difference between somebody who’s thinking about 2024 versus somebody who’s thinking about 2054,” he said. “To me, yes, it’s worth it because we’re talking about setting the terms of the debate as they will play out for the rest of my life.””
military times: Opinion: Former Army Under Secretary Murphy endorses Buttigieg for president
By Patrick J. Murpjy, Published Jul 29, 2019
Endorsement from Murphy, 32nd under secretary of the U.S. Army and former U.S. congressman for Pennsylvania. “I bucked the conventional wisdom and was the first member of the Pennsylvania delegation to endorse a young senator named Barack Obama….At this challenging time, I am once again proud to stand alongside a promising young leader from the heartland who intuitively understands what it takes to win the next election and usher in a future where we can both succeed and live up to our highest ideals. That is why I’m supporting fellow combat veteran Pete Buttigieg for president.”
washington post: How pete buttigieg went from war protester to “packing my bags for afghanistan”
By Steve Hendrix, Josh Partlow, Published Jul 29, 2019
Wonderful article that ranges from Pete visiting his career Army grandfather on base, to protesting the Iraq war as a student at Harvard, to details exactly what he did in Iraq. Interviews people in Pete’s life. “He was brilliant,” said Stellato [a fellow Harvard student]. “The crowd was immediately attracted to him.”
Published Jul 25, 2019
“Hearing Pete talk about helping “the least of these,” supporting immigrants and refugees, helping families who worry about putting food on the table or getting decent healthcare for their children, speaks to me.” Good opinion piece from a former Iowa Republican.
Shonda Asks the 2020 Candidates 20 Questions: Here's What Pete Buttigieg Had to Say
Published Jul 18, 2019
“Chasten and I keep it pretty simple when we have the chance. Our night out usually involves catching up on T.V., a beer or a glass of wine, and our two dogs Buddy and Truman. The presence of our dogs who love us, and of course have no concept of politics, is the leveling force we both need after a few days on the trail.”
free the people: Mayor Pete’s Plan to Cut Incarceration in Half is Bold, and Just Might Work
Published Jul 17, 2019
“With the world’s highest population of incarcerated people, it’s no secret America’s criminal justice system is broken. Buttigieg’s new plan is an ambitious proposal that shows he’s serious about finding a way to repair it. Other candidates should take notes.”
vox: Pete Buttigieg’s 2020 presidential campaign and policies, explained
Updated Jun 27, 2019
Indepth look at Pete’s biography and ideas.
TIME: Mayor Pete Buttigieg's Unlikely, Untested, Unprecedented Presidential Campaign
Published May 2, 2019
Long profile piece accompanied by a cover and video.
“But to some Americans, Buttigieg may just be the man to vanquish America’s demons. In a field of more than 20 candidates…Buttigieg has vaulted from near total obscurity toward the front of the Democratic pack, running ahead of or even with more established candidates and behind only Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders.”
SALON: Thank God for pete buttigieg, the religious right’s kryptonite
Published Apr 25, 2019
“Buttigieg is what most white evangelical couples dream of in a son — except, of course, that he's gay and married to a man. And because of this, Buttigieg is able, both in his rhetoric and identity, to expose on a daily basis how the evangelical talk about "family values" is simply cover for their misogyny and homophobia, and how evangelical "sexual morality" is just a weapon to terrorize anyone who isn't a straight man.”
washington monthly: How the Media Is Getting Mayor Pete’s Gentrification Story Wrong
By Joshua Alvarez Published Apr 21, 2019
Solid article that takes a deeper look at the “1000 Houses, 1000 Days” project in South Bend.
Published Apr 11, 2019
Super detailed article about Pete’s term as Mayor in South Bend and how the city has changed. Lots of photos and interviews with people in the citi. excellent.
“He has too much talent to be here forever,” Affleck-Graves said. “We have to let him go.”
The kiss by tim miller - apr 17, 2019
Great piece on what a Buttigieg presidency could mean for LGBTQ people around the world and about Pete’s appeal to Republicans. Written by a gay Republican.
usa today: Mayor Pete Buttigieg's countercultural approach to Christianity is what America needs now - apr 4, 2019
An opinion piece from Kirsten Powers about why Pete’s Christian-left orientation is so important.
DAILY BEAST: Mayor Pete’s Anti-Trump Campaign Tactic: Target ‘Hypocrite’ Mike Pence- Apr 1, 2019
Article from Apr 2019 the features Buttigieg’s mentions of Pence’s record in Indiana and his religious hypocrisy.
WASHINGTON POST: Could Pete Buttigieg Become the First Millennial President? - JAn 14, 2019
This profile article was published four months before Pete Buttigieg announced his candidacy. Good, indepth look at his backstory and South Bend.
NY Times: Pete Buttigieg might be president some day, he already has the first man - Jun 18, 2018
Remarkably prescient article about Pete’s marriage to Chasten and potential future as POTUS and FGOTUS.
““Pete’s going to be a force in the Democratic Party,” David Axelrod, the political strategist credited with helping propel Mr. Obama to the nation’s highest office, told Politico. “The question is just whether that’s as a candidate for president, or something else.”
politico: the president of nowhere, usa - feb 16, 2018
By Adam Doster
After Obama named Buttigieg among a few he considered the future of the Democratic party, Politico wrote this indepth story about Pete—and what his paths out of South Bend might be. Good stuff.